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Tips & Tricks - The Calvert & Co. Style Blog

Services Ivy Calvert Services Ivy Calvert

Why Entrepreneurs Need A Personal Stylist

Are you an entrepreneur or business owner? You don’t want to miss this! I recently sat down with the gals at Brainstorm Boutique to chat about “brainstorming” i.e. building your personal brand through style! “This Thursday, Britni reveals the BEST investment she has ever made for herself. She hired Ivy Calvert, a personal image consultant and stylist, to transform her wardrobe and create efficient systems with her closet. This is an experience she didn't know she needed until she did.”

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Services Ivy Calvert Services Ivy Calvert

5 Ways An Online Personal Stylist Can Help You Achieve More and Look Great Doing It

The biggest benefit of working with a virtual personal stylist is not having to stress, second guess, or even worry about your wardrobe so you can use all that extra time do the things you really care about like building up that side-hustle or spending more time with your family. Go-getters like you want to look great but don’t have the bandwidth to worry about their closets. In this blog post I’m sharing 5 ways virtual styling services can transform your life.

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